Hello All:
New to the site, been prepping for awhile as I live in snow country...4 WD vehicles,extra chow on hand, generator, wood burning stove and other things required. Veteran, retired civil service, HAM radio operator. Looking to sharpen skills, build knowledge,network in Western NY area.
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Small business owner in NY..my wife is retired..I'm working part time..
Always lived in the country..
Have always been self sufficient..
God-centered home..
Both A personalities..
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Hello all, new member from behind enemy lines(NY).
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I just found this site as I was looking for information on surviving the upcoming chaos we are all about to face. Although I won't be able to spend an inordinate amount of time here, I will most certainly be checking in from time to time. So hello to all from upstate NY.
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Hello all! Western NY here. Happy to meet you all. I am a disabled grandma who tries to put something back every payday because I believe food is going to become harder and harder to come by. I really like the concept of this site and am excited to read what others here have to say.
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Thank you so much for having this forum. Can't wait to learn from all the experienced preppers here.
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Hi! I'm Laditek and I've been prepping for a few years now (mostly getting camping gear and other BOB essentials together). I live in NYC with theLight and we split the preps between the two of us. I'm an amateur radio tech and love to do anything and everything related to fiberarts. Hoping to exapand my knowledge and meet some like-minded folks.
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Join the APN Forum at www.AmericanPreppersNetwork.net
Visit the New York Forum at www.NewYorkPreppersNetwork.net
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