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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mother Earth News Fair - Any Interest in Going?

Attention New York Preppers: Mother Earth News is having a fair! It will be on the weekend of September 24-25 in Seven Springs, PA. Here is the relevant page from Mother Earth News and the APN thread as well.

If there's any interest in going, we can arrange a trip to leave from the NYC Metro area and try to get either discounted lodging or a nice camp site near by. Other members of APN will be going and it will be a great opportunity to learn and meet other like-minded folks.

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1 comment:

pelenaka said...

I'm interested.
Besides the sense of community this would be a great way to gain insight on all of the fair. Perhaps in the evening gathered around the campfire we could have one person from each class give a report to the rest of us who weren't able to attend.

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