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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Disaster Alert: Floods in Virginia , West Virginia , North Carolina , and New York

 The APN-Disaster Reporting Service thanks D_Loki for providing us with the following update:

January 26, 2010
Disaster Alert
Virginia – Heavy rains caused flash flooding in Augusta , Rockbridge and Albemarle Counties on Monday that prompted the evacuation of residents in low-lying areas. The Central Virginia Chapter deployed a Disaster Action Team (DAT), opened a shelter, placed an Emergency Response Vehicle on standby and provided Mass Care (MC) for shelter residents. The Shenandoah Chapter deployed DAT and opened a shelter for affected-area residents.
West Virginia – Storms caused river flooding that affected the residents of Greenbrier, Monroe and Pocahontas Counties on Monday. The Governor declared a stat of emergency for Greenbrier County and the surrounding areas. The Chapter deployed a DAT Team, opened 4 shelters and provided Mass Care to local residents.
North Carolina – River flooding in Surry County destroyed homes, damaged others and prompted the evacuation of dozens of local residents in the affected area on Monday. The Surry County Chapter deployed a DAT Team, opened a shelter, and provided MC services for the evacuees. The Northwest North Carolina Chapter deployed DAT and provided individual assistance to affected-area residents.
New York – A rainstorm that filled rivers and streams in the northeast portion of the state delayed flights and blew debris from buildings on Monday. The ARC of Northeastern New York Chapter deployed DAT and opened a precautionary shelter for local residents.

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